May 11, 2016 2 min read

 A romantic getaway is the perfect way to affirm your relationship with your partner, giving you time alone to relax and enjoy each other’s company.

But, as nice as it would be, most of us don’t have the money to hire a private island in the Pacific. Thankfully, it’s possible to get the romantic getaway you’ve dreamt of without taking out a second mortgage.

Here’s how!

Set a Budget

The key to planning a romantic getaway that doesn’t break the bank is to do so with a firm spending limit. Work out a budget that you’re comfortable with, and stick to it. If you find that your budget only stretches to a cute weekend away at a local B & B, don’t be disheartened. This is all about the fact that you’re sharing time with your partner, it doesn’t matter where!

To make the most of your budget, use comparison sites to book your travel and accommodation. By allowing these sites to hunt down all the best deals for you, you can save you hundreds.


Choose a Special Location

 The location will depend on your budget, so be sure to figure that out before you go shopping. If your finances turn out to be minimal, make sure you look for romantic bang for your buck. If your budget means you can either stay local and get a nice B & B, or travel farther and book into a chain hotel, go the B & B, as they are designed for romance and privacy.

If your partner has a location that means a lot to him or her, try to get there! Perhaps they have fond memories of Niagara Falls, or have always been in love with Napa Valley wines. Make the trip personal to them!


Find Some Extra Touches

So you’ve got the travel and accommodation sorted. Now it’s time to turn this from a normal getaway into a truly romantic getaway.

It’s the little things that you do that will make all the difference in your partner’s eyes. Find the most romantic restaurant in the area, and get their best table. Pack some massage oils in your bag, and surprise your partner with a gentle rub-down one morning. And try to pack a personal reminder of your relationship – a bottle of your favourite wine, or a copy of the song that was playing on your first date.


It’s Great to be Cheesy!

Buy your partner flowers. Serenade them in a park. Light some candles and have a bath. These clichés may seem cheesy, but they became clichés for a reason! If your partner gives you a wry grin and shakes their head, you’ve done your job.

A romantic getaway doesn’t need to be a grand, over-the-top gesture. It simply needs to mean something to you and your partner. And once you’ve figured out what will mean something, you’re well on your way to planning your perfect getaway.


Good luck!


Michael Catford

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